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USING THE SMS TEMPLATE – This template is intended to assist owners of commercial vessels to produce a SMS. By using this template to develop a SMS for your vessels(s), you will be able to create the necessary safety procedures, instructions and management system for your vessel quickly and efficiently. If you already have procedures and policies in place these should be used and included in the SMS.
YOUR LICENSE AGREEMENT – A single SMS Template can only be used by the organisation purchasing the documentation and for internal purposes only. Documentation cannot be forwarded to a third party or resold for any reason whatsoever without the written permission from Ocean Time Marine. Ocean Time Marine’s full terms and conditions for use of this template are made available online at
COMPLIANCE – Compliance is a difficult process that requires application. No single consultant or product will address all requirements of National regulators such as AMSA, MCA, USCG MNA and TC. A well-rounded approach to safety should be instituted. Although much research, development and effort was made to make the presentation of the material in the template as simple and understandable as possible, it must be recognized that the intended purpose will not be achieved without effort and conscientious application. For further information please contact
The Ocean Time Marine SMS template will provide an operator with the flexibility to develop and tailor its safety system to its operations while complying with regulatory requirements. Responsibility for this is placed firmly on the companies / owner in charge of this vessel operation.
RISK ASSESSMENT – It is recommended that your SMS contains a risk assessment. This will assist you in identifying your risks and how you mitigate them.
REMEMBER: Your Safety Management System is a live document and needs to be reviewed and updated whenever the need arises (and at a minimum annually), giving you the opportunity to simplify procedures and assess business performance. Keep it simple and don’t include material that is not needed. A SMS is based on leadership and accountability. It requires proactive hazard identification, risk management, information control, reviewing and training.