NAVIGATING THE DOCUMENT – This template is composed of 12 sections, Colour-coded for ease of reference. In each section you will find procedures, policies and systems pre-written for you.
You should work through the entire document, navigating page by page using the bookmarks on the left sidebar or by the scroll bar on the right side.
WORKING THROUGH THE DOCUMENT – You should read through the Safety Management System from start to finish. Although much of the content of the document is generic enough to suit most operations, the document has pages where you will need to enter information particular to your operation or make interactive selections of information to include.
All the text in the SMS template is editable, so you can edit or add to the existing information if the generic information does not suit your vessel operation.
HELP ICONS – Many pages contain some guidance in a pop-up window. Just click the help (life-ring) icon to view the guidance.
ADDING / DELETING PAGES – You can add pages at the end of sections by selecting the page plus ‘+’ icons. Added pages can be deleted by using the page minus ‘-’ icons
SAVING YOUR PROGRESS – It’s a good idea to save your progress as you work through the document. Also be mindful of creating a backup of your SMS to a second location like a removable USB drive or cloud storage.
PRINTING – Because this document is interactive, no page numbers have been included; Colour-coded sections have been used instead. We recommend printing the entire document once you have completed working on it to use as a reference tool within your organisation.