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Marine Consultants and Surveyors

Ocean Time Marine partners with Maritime Survey Australia to deliver Marine Consultant and Surveyors services to the maritime industry both in Australia and overseas.

A comprehensive range of independent marine surveying and consultancy services.

Ocean Time Marine partners with Maritime Survey Australia to deliver Marine Consultants and Surveyors services to the Maritime industry both in Australia and overseas.

Maritime Survey Australia are experienced local surveyors providing genuinely impartial assessment of a vessel’s condition. Maritime Survey Australia provide survey reports promptly, enabling commercial and business decisions to be made quickly and helping their clients save time and money. Their Surveyors are accredited with AMSA and the certifying authority the International Institute of Marine Surveyors.

Maritime Survey Australia provide independent surveys and reports of the current condition, class status and life history of a vessel, providing vital information to help evaluate a proposed investment.

By identifying potential problems, Maritime Survey Australia help reduce the business and technical risks faced when buying a new or second-hand vessel.

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