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Press Release: Launch of Safety Management System (SMS) Product

For immediate release.

Ocean Time Marine makes the writing of a Safety Management System (SMS) a breeze with their template system software for domestic commercial operations and super yachts with ISM.

Melbourne-based Maritime Safety Solutions firm assists in safety compliance with their easy to use safety template system software.

Melbourne, Australia. February 9, 2015

Ocean Time Marine’s interactive software lets you take control of your own safety systems and documentation. Ocean Time Marine have developed the software solution to give you the perfect platform to ensure compliance and produce a SMS in an attractive format that’s easily accessible – whether digitally or printed.

Intuitive and easy to use, the software makes short-work of developing a fully functional and tailored safety management system for maritime operations by following a template through a series of questions and selectable, customisable, prewritten procedures.

By using a simple template-style approach to drafting a SMS, Ocean Time Marine offer an engaging safety solution with little to no technical hurdles to jump through and once completed, the SMS can be used digitally or simply printed and bound, becoming an integral part of the vessel’s safety on the water and in the safe running of maritime operations.

The software references the ISM Code as well as other international and national standards making compliance easier for vessel owners and operators. Users of the system can select and customise over 40 operational pre-written procedures, add new, styled blank pages and paste-in any existing procedures or draft new ones, ensuring the SMS document stays relevant as operations change. Users also benefit from the interactive check list’s and permits to work.

Because the SMS is written via a document-style PDF template, users can easily print it for submission to government agencies or easily extract the interactive PDF documents from the software for use digitally such as sharing by email or using the safety maintenance checklists on a tablet device.

We realised early on in development of the software that there wasn’t a cost-effective solution on the market for anyone needing to write a SMS for their vessel. We wanted to create a solution that didn’t require any technical learning to manage and required no ongoing consultancy enabling users to take control of their own safety policy and safety procedure documentation as cost-effectively as possible.

-Jon Pike

Lead Developer – Ocean Time Marine

Ocean Time Marine is a Global Company committed to helping the Maritime Industry develop a stronger safety culture at sea and ashore with its Safety Management System (SMS) Software. Together with world renowned Marine Engineers, Naval Architects and Marine Surveyors, Ocean Time Marine offer a complete Safety Management System (SMS) software solution to their customers across all aspects of vessel operation around the world.

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Safety Management System (SMS) Templates
Safety Forms & Checklists

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