Safety Management System Template
USD $249 – USD $899
Interactive Maritime Safety Management System PDF Template for MacOS or Windows. Available for Single Vessels, Fleets, Passenger Vessels and Superyachts. Choose below:
Easy to use and interactive
The Safety Management System (SMS) template is a fully interactive PDF document that guides you through the writing of a safety management system for your domestic commercial vessel operation.
You work through the the template by entering details about your vessel, review and customise the included safety procedures and complete a risk register.
The SMS template covers all essentials of safety management:

40+ pre-written operational procedures
Select from 40+ operational pre-written procedures – customise them or add new, styled blank pages to copy in existing procedures or draft new ones, ensuring your SMS stays relevant as your operations change.

Developed exclusively for maritime safety compliance
The Maritime Safety Management System Template is specially configured for single vessels, fleets, passenger vessels and superyachts and versatile enough to fit all types of commercial vessel operations, including:

Helps you comply with your safety regulation responsibilities and create a safer working culture at sea and ashore.
The Ocean Time Marine SMS template has been developed solely for the maritime industry. We understand how the industry operates and the challenges associated with compliance and safety management for vessel operators.
The SMS template assists in compliance with national regulators, such as:
How your SMS complies with safety legislation:
To show that you have considered and managed the risks of your operation, you must present a safety management system to the Australian National Regulator. Our team of industry leading marine surveyors, naval architects and marine engineers have developed the Interactive Safety Management System (SMS) software in a simple and practical way to give you the tools and framework to meet your safety compliance requirements with the NSCV Part E.

The SMS template assists in compliance with national regulators, such as:
Superyachts Mini-ISM
A mini-ISM is a safety management system based on the ISM Code but tailored specifically to the needs of commercial yachts or vessels registered as private with limited charter usage over 24 meters and under 500GT which otherwise, under international maritime law, have to comply with a full ISM system.
The ISM Code stands for the International Safety Management Code. The ISM Code provides an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.
The purpose of a mini-ISM system is to:
- Promote and ensure safety at sea for the yacht’s crew and guests and third parties
- Prevent human injury or loss of life to the yacht’s crew, guests and third parties
- Avoid damage to the yacht
- Avoid damage to the environment
The requirements of a mini-ISM have been summarized by flag states as part of the rules and regulations governing the operation of commercial yachts over 24 meters in length. The Ocean Time Marine Super Yacht SMS template is based on the requirements for a mini ISM System.
The operational requirements of the system are as follows:
- It should be simple and easy to understand by all users
- It must be yacht specific and be owned by and developed by the yacht
- It must be used and updated (during annual flag state surveys the system will be checked to ensure that it is being used)
- It must be reviewed every three years
The Ocean Time Marine Super Yacht template will form the basis of a genuine tool to improve the safety and quality of the vessel’s operation. The template should require updating and adapting to specific onboard requirements, culture and unique risks and activities.
Ocean Time Marine Super Yacht template can assist yacht owners and the captains of yachts with the implementation of a bespoke mini-ISM as stand-alone system. Solely privately registered yachts can also benefit from an affective and well-maintained mini ISM.
The Ocean Time Marine SMS template will provide an operator with the flexibility to develop and tailor its safety system to its operations while complying with regulatory requirements. Responsibility for this is placed firmly on the companies / owner in charge of this vessel operation.
Who uses the SMS template?
Both large and small domestic commercial vessel owners and operators all around the world use the Ocean Time Marine SMS template to manage and their safety management system.

Ocean Time Marine is a proud sponsor of the Mission to Seafarers, making a contribution with every sale.
The Mission to Seafarers is committed to ensure the safety of seafarers around the world.